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took me 4 or 5 tries. only 2 (including this one) had me reaching the king.

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(1 edit)

bug, when I use a curse of damage on an enemy and I use turbo mode, the enemy only takes one point of damage. Otherwise this game is great

Edit: Just looked again and I’m just blind

Amazing. Beutifully well balanced.

First run, thought I was hot stuff, fought may way all the way to the king, saw his army. O_O
Okay, cool fine, did that battle.
Missed victory by 2 points of damage. -_- 


I love it. I love that the game is so fantastically well balanced, and the synergies between different units are very cool.   The "limited spying" is also a lovely mechnic.

Oh, and the bare bones story of "Rent is due, therefore lets burn down society using necromancy" is hilarious.

OH GOD i was like, so close to winning but then my pc crashed </3 but honestly besides my computer being a bit silly this game is quite nice, i enjoyed playing it alot and i definitely will continue playing it, at the very least until i win. But again it's a lot of fun, i love the graphics and the designs overall, and the sounds aswell. I think it's pretty cool and easy to understand!! 

Why does funny bone item get passed down the bone line but not down the imp? Was it because when there's 2 target it's simply not allowed?

(1 edit)

I didn't read the changelog closely when commenting this, turns out only the flying skulls have that ability.
And didn't calculate the difference, rank 1 imp demon with funny bone have potential 6 total dmg to castle if both imp inherit the bone. The dmg is equal to 2 rank 3 which would cost 48 gold but it only cost 6 gold.


i always got to 11/50 kingdom's health


Pretty fun, some game speed or fast forward option for battles would be nice and help with replayability. 


the artstyle is cute


Parabéns por criar este grande jogo! Agradeço a versão do browser


outro brazilian!!


Na verdade, sou de Portugal


You could buy a pre-paid visa card and donate that way.


Finally got a perfect run.

I finally get it after losing 12 times. It's so satisfactory!!!

That's too close how did I messed up

The one right after I got lucky too, but why can't the king be charmed by the succubus though.

(1 edit)

I really like this game, except for one bit: the fact that the boss comes out when you've done enough damage to the enemy between the levels. It creates this pressure to build a team that's good but not too good, otherwise it'll get you to the king before you're ready. And that's just not as fun to me as building the strongest team under some other type of time pressure.

But remember- the king is also building!

The slow you play, the bigger the king gets!

Not to a relevant degree, though. If you rush to the king, you don't really stand a chance. On the other hand, if you use strategies to actively slow your progress towards the king (rely on spells whenever you can, build as few units as you can get away with in the early game, use inefficient troop placement later on, use the protection spell to knock out your own shields) you can get to one guy that is stronger than the king (equal health, and 3x attack) that can solo the king line and survive with plenty of health left, two guys behind him that that could have taken out that line together if the first one wasn't there, and enough to easily handle everything on each of the other two lines.

Yeah, it was kind of like that, hah! I don't know yet if the update from a few days ago helped much with that (basically, after the more or less the intended turn where you should get to the king, the game scales the king's stats more dramatically than before, and the king stats early were nerfed, just a tad)

With the right synergies you can always win though. I kind of don't want the scaling to be too dramatic so players can also build themselves slowly and get to really lategame stuff, which can be fun! But maybe the king's scaling could be buffed even more, just a bit?

I just played two games where I rushed to the king (I hadn't done that since the update yet) , and I got a turn 9 and turn 10 win, but both required strategizing and were close calls, so I'd say that's a lot better now.

Maybe the king could start scaling very aggressively at around turn 12? That way, a turn 16 win should still be quite possible, but be less anticlimactic. And beating a 50/50 king at turn 20 (which should be very possible) would feel satisfying as well.

king mode when

this run was a complete roller coaster

i ALMOST won with no hearts lost 😭 

After a good handful of tries I got a busted summoning and spell build with a little luck. I was afraid of this game falling short where there was only one strategy that actually worked, but a ton of other builds got me really far :) Lots fun and even though I knew for a fact I was gonna beat the king, the music still got me worried lol. With some tiny things like an overall stats screen in the menu and some challenge modifiers I could see myself buying this on steam for a couple bucks, charming and inspiring game you got here.

This is a quality game. Was fun.

This is a quality deckbuilder. Bug: The bone effect (spawn funny bone on death) cancels out the arrow effect (shoot an arrow after stepping)

that’s intentional 

apparently any trait that’s shown as an aura (ex. shield)

can be replaced by other ones 

both bone and the arrow trait are auras, so the bone cancels out the arrows on a bowie if given

The game is really cool I had playing it there are no bugs that I could find that made the game unplayable. The gameplay and the balance is amazing the artstyle is also amazing. Can't wait for more updates or a full relese.

(18 edits) (+2)

She had to go to bed early.

I liked the true ending, it's almost like an easter egg (got that in 8 turns). It's cool how it ties into the game!

Lil feedback: It's hard to tell when you're paused or not, because when you hover the pause/play buttons, it changes which one is highlighted. And I can't tell if I'm paused, or just accidentally highlighted the buttons when I tried to fast forward. The click box for the pause/play buttons feels a tad too wide too. It's also messy and awkward how the spellbook's targeting circles cover every target the moment you pause, because the basic enemies are already a bit too hard to tell apart.

Fast forwarding doesn't feel very fast with the constant pausing it's doing between every movement. A fast forward for regular gameplay that cuts back on the pauses and speeds up the graphics could be nice, too. It'd also be handy if the number keys also paused the game, so you could use the tomes without having to pause and unpause manually. Or let us use tomes without pausing?

Also, when I try to swap two of the same unit, they just merge and level up. I feel like it should be harder to make that mistake somehow, so that I don't accidentally merge my units.

Bug: The Pigman in the store says it gains 1/1, but in battle, the description changes, and it really only boosts itself by 1/0. And the level 2 Pigman boosts by 1/1 instead of 2/1, apparently.

Bug: I think the knife throwing guy only works if it's immediately behind the ally that's attacking, but this is not clear from the text. I know ally kind of implies that it's the next one in this game, but Nurse also seems to work this way, despite saying it "heals hurt allies." It could be a bit clearer.

Bug: If you don't have enough gold to reroll, but you click the cauldron, then sell a unit, the reroll triggers.

Bug: If you have a unit in the market from combining a level 3 unit, and you combine another one, it doesn't replace the old one. This should only happen if the unit in the market is frozen.

Bug: I think if you have two medics in one lane, both healing occurs alongside the first graphical effect, and the second effect does nothing.

Fun and challenging game, otherwise. You've done a very good job!

The kobold cameo is a definite plus too. And it's a good unit, you've really made movement effects valuable, a big part of that is how it's always your units moving forward, so you can bounce them back and forth. That's neat. I think you've struck a fair balance where simply buffing summons doesn't work out every time, at least in this format. It's a lot of fun with some interesting and unexpected positions that can happen later in the game. That's always difficult to do.

And the truest ending: both princes defeated.

edit: and no hit!


i killed the king

then these 2 guys killed me

but i still got the victory



I mean, it makes sense, right? At that point the necromancer could just revive herself! hahaha
Glad you could beat it!!!! Quite a lot of units and low number of level threes, that must have been a bloodbath!!


Very cool game and good looking too ! :D I'm so bad at autochess but had a lot of fun beginning to find synergies and getting stronger ! 


Awhh, thank you so much Dablue!!!

I'll was checking your game out too, but couldn't get the time to give it an honest try. When i get off work i'll check it out!


yooo sick game! I thought I was just gonna be a plants v zombies clone at first but you blew me away with the level of synergy that the troops have. It was awesome to see things start to stack up into a massive army. Loved it!



Long time no see!!!

Awh, thanks man!! Glad you enjoyed it! Took a long time to design this one, hahhaah, but seems it paid off, as that was exactly what it wanted!

Glad you stopped by!!

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