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Great game. Fairly buggy but free indie game, I get it. The Imp and the King boss fights are more annoying than difficult.  Absolutely need more kobold interactions.

i have found a shortcut straight to the kobolds and double jump.    fall to the first pit (stick to the right wall) before the first  map interaction, then go down and go right until  u find it

im sorry im living in cali... they not like my type here so im no job... i promise to pay ya on chicken joust double.... because that one looks good too. just this one for free sorry devs.....

How do I swing from the ropes???

No no forget what i said defnitivly the imp is the best boss

My faverwt boss fight is the bat chef,its just soo fun

I just found a bug ween your return were the cobolbs were originaly were,the animations stills plays even without the kobolbs and give the dubme jump even if i alredy have it,it dosent break anithing its just weirs

the bomb bom lizard is cute



Can you please ad a checkpoint before the  first boosfight,it take so much time to arrive

I want that toooooooooo :(

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

I love this guy 

he is smol and crazy my favorite combo

The bat chef was worst than the king himself, lol!

Idk if it happens for just me but whenever I shoot the first door the game crashes and I don't see any other way to progress.

I love character design


yey hitless beat all lassie w/ semiauto and killed king first try

(1 edit) (-1)

so i restarted and lassie took 3 tries, bat chef 2, and imp 1. hmmm

edit 1: yesyesyesyesyes only 2 attemps on king before i won




i came back to finish it and came back again to 100%, its just too good.


my favorite game of Stopsignal

Deleted 253 days ago

:( almost first tried imp and now cant do crap


Try staying in the upper platforms, not touching the lower ones!

yeah i beat him now on king fight. lassie and imp are easy to beat and the bat is a little more challenging. almost killed the king a few times. where are all the eggs? i have 2 and are there more i can get

can hitless beat imp easily



(2 edits) (+1)

so im dumb but i cant find the bosses or get the tabasco jumps. how do i do this? halp me please.

edit 1

found lassie. struggiling

edit 2




i love this game (r34 love too)


on the last boss, if you die right when you parry him, it glitches and instantly wins the fight


that's quite the specific bug! thanks for catching that one! One day i might dust this project off again and give it some needed patches!


That would be awesome!


Heckin ADORABLE omg

Everybody gansta until the kobold (women) grabs a shotgun.


one small issue I forgor how to tobasco :(

(1 edit) (+2)

Boss uh... she's got a gun

(For his neutral special he wields a gun)






I loved dis game it was fun it trigged my hollow knight ptsd but i still loved it because kobold :3


Bug Report: Chef king's sideways slap attack causes a crash if you are dead when he uses it.

i think most of the bugs are in the last fight.


Incredibly enjoyable experience. It's a lovely change of pace and the combat is a treat. For those struggling, download the game. It's 10 times better than the web version since there's much less delay and overall runs faster. Very balanced experience I found. Love it! <3333

just beated this game and it's very fun to play and very cute

amazing game besides some of the not fun parts(like not having a speed upgrade because green is hecking slow to cross around the map)

I just beat the game and I love this so much. This is probably one of my favorite games on this site

Barely beat the third boss, in the king's room, cant even make it past the bat guy anymore :-(

have you tried shooting diagonally? i saw videos of people struggling against him because of that!

i know but gotta avoid the horizontal flying guys then.

tried parryjumpging him but the avoiding stuff gets tedious too...


the game gives me castle crasher vibes

(2 edits) (+4)

woof. This game is very well designed, but there’s some seriously brutal combat that just feels too unbalanced.

The first two bosses are doable, but the imp and final boss were nuts. A lot of the deaths feel unfair too, because often it won’t let me cancel the shooting animation to jump out of the way fast enough, and I get hit. It requires lightning fast reflexes and you can only get hit 3 times, so it just feels unfair. 

Other thing was the map- I don’t see why you can’t just always have it on you? It discouraged me from trying to find everything, because having a map station was a little tedious

but, really solid game otherwise, it feels good and has good level design. With a few tweaks I’d like it even more!

The game is fun, but I have a small issue.  This may be internet problems on my end, but sometimes the background music will finish playing and won't loop which causes no sound effects like shooting and enemies dying to play.  I'm not sure how the background music is tied with the sound effects, but it happens. 

Even in the beginning of the game, the sound effects don't play when the background music don't start up as soon as I start the game.

Needs level design. And what should I do when coins land on spikes?


Loved the game, the art style and the soundtrack are so good!
I felt like the bosses after the first were a bit too easy, though, you are just so much more powerful than them through all the upgrades you get. Especially the Chef King felt weak due to his slow moves, I beat him on the first try.
The movement felt very good and intuitive, I actually liked not being able to move while shooting.
Overall a 10/10 because I am biased due to my love for kobolds.

(1 edit) (+2)

I love the game but sometimes it glitches and keeps playing the dialogue, especially in the Kings battle.


theres a pit with spikes right before the first tour sig

or the tour sign


stay safe kiddos


no checkpoint before boss?

yeah its frustrating

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