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I won it was tough though. The king gets crazy, but the knights are what caused me the most grief. The shield skill and buff every turn are definitely  the way to go

Found a neat bug that causes a crash.  I have a Level 2 Skull with the bone item that summons a bone in row 3.  The enemy archers attack it twice before row 3 is activated.  The game crashes because it doesn't know whether to put the level one skull there or the bone summon.  

Incredibly fun, though really hard!

I'd just suggest brainstorming some new names for the game, this name really undersells what the game really plays like

I have to agree, but on another front. I didnt sell it enough to a friend and I think they decided to not play it just because of the bad reputation "autobattlers" have


Silly little guy, you aren't supposed to do that much!

ok how tf

Definitely took a few tries, but I finally won! I loved using the bard unit!


i was just like: were have i heard this music before?

then i played manorvania again and was like


im pissed off

had a decent team and if this archer(and im not exaggerating) had hit anything else, my succubus would have turned the king 

now its worse. WHY CANT YOU CHARM THE KING! i mean, sure, it makes sense but whats the fun in that

(1 edit)

My personal headcanon:
You should be able to charm the king, but only with a lvl3 succubus... and there should be an alternate ending if you do.

be fun i guess


The rng factor of the archers is the very reason i avoid them completely.

I did it finally. Before the update, I beat it like three times, I think, in a handful of attempts, but this was hard as crap, like 30 attempts, but I did it.

full screen when or how pls.


Sir you've got mail, it says here you've made a "Work of art".


Took me about 3 hours to beat. Really fun and beautiful game, good job !!


beyond overkill but boy is it funny


i love thks so much, summoning can be incredibly op


(No sound, sorry. Program got wonky :/)

Auto Necrochess is a great game in my opinion. I like the fact you can have many choices. It's a really hard game though - that's for sure. You have to make sure every lane is strong enough and - on final boss - you have to have really OP build (and best build is not rng based - you can have rng based summon unit, but it's not a good unit imo). 

So yeah, I recommend this game, really well made, I didn't found any bugs or major issues.

Finally managed to get the total victory. Also like the touch with the victory screen if you kill the king and die

too hard i lke

(2 edits)

Beautiful game. Although I'd really appreciate a Discord server.


Some small bugfixes! Boners no longer receive double stats from Bards, and Blessings no longer bug the damage display of a unit.

Now a unit will shine on the shop if you got one of the same type already bought.

...i actually should have limited it so, if you got a level three unit, the shop unit shouldn't shine (as you can't upgrade the level three unit anymore). Only now i just realized, oops. I'll fix it later, bigfixing that first thing was enough already hahahahah


Pls Stopsignal, make a Discord server. This review-chatting is really terrible.

Hey, I wanted to throw out a suggestion for improving balance and expanding the game with absolutely minimal dev effort:

Currently the game basically ends after 12 turns or so if successfully cheesed (buying money towers and minimizing the progress per turn so you can build up a huge army by the end-boss, around turn 16-20).

You obviously don't want to put effort into making new units just for people who are abusing the game, but you *could* take a page from the 80's/90's era book and just make color-swapped massively boosted version of the existing enemies, to come after a few rounds of the shielded knights (maybe turn 12 or so?).

You wouldn't even need to worry about balance too much, because anyone still alive at that point has pretty much mastered the game, and such units could be avoided by winning more quickly.

The point of this would be to make an in-game incentive to win quickly, rather than just guaranteeing a boss-win by taking your time.

I think it would be really fun to start running into 8/8 grunts or, eventually, 15/15 knights, or things like that.


What kind of evil are you to make a mobile version of this? Don't you know this game was addicting already!



hard to interact but a lovely game



Hi guys! No changelog because it's a small update! Some small balance changes, made summoning build's curve of power a little bit more normalized (they are a bit weaker early on but with the Rocker and Blessings getting an small buff, they are just as strong in lategame)

Some solo powerhouse units (that weren't being very solo powerhouse) were buffed just a tad!

I think that's all, but my memory might be failing! Most work is in the background in order to make loading different decks possible. That's what happens when you make spaghetti code on purpose because you think you won't ever update the game, hahahaha


I just beat it just as this update came in. Without spells or summon units. You don't know how happy I am right now. I'm on cloud nine. Anyway cool update can't wait to see more and any other games you make.👍🏾


\O/ yes, update!

man, i play this game every week, i loved it! i'm so exited about the coming updates

Whoo, update! Tysm for continuing to work on this game, it's amazing

The game area turned completely black when I merged my two lvl2 skulls (with bones) today. I suspect it had to do with the achievement that it tried to give me.

It was the first time I played on this version and the first time in that game that I got a unit to level three. I was playing on Newgrounds and It showed a notification about an achievement that I got. However, I was not logged in to Newgrounds, so I couldn't actually get achievements. I was playing on Chrome.

Strange, thanks for reporting! That should be completely turned off in this itch io, version, need to update asap!


OK FIXED uploading everything soon!


Excellent game my man.
The difficulaty is good.

My one suggestion is: Summoner builds are too strong Bard+Rats/Summoner/Skulls+Rocker are just too easy to pull off and can easily chew through even the toughest enemies. I suggest a new enemy type to counter them, just like Royalist countered the throwers: 


Stats like a Knight, but instead of shield, he works like assasin and attacks the tile behind his target as well. 

Not so strong against single high power buffed unit, but devastating against swarms of trash like rats and imps.


Laughs in lvl. 3 Skull with Funny Bone, backed by a single bard.


Great game, I played it for 3 hours to finally win once. We are also working on a chess inspired game and your game taught me a few things. Thanks a lot for making it.


This game is really fun but feels extremely unfair at times due to the fact that the enemy's power grows exponentially more than yours coupled with the fact that you have no control over the units you draw. It's like the game hates the possibility or thought of winning through any actual strategy than just spawning any units that are drawn because you keep drawing cards that do work well together but are always greatly weaker than enemy. (I will continue to enjoy this game for hours btw)


I respectfully disagree. The game is not easy to start, but very fair once you understand it.  That's not to criticize your skill, but I think having fairness hidden behind experience is a good learning curve.

I think the strategy element you're missing is that your units also grow exponentially, if you plan them well.  Getting four of the same unit combined unlocks insane powers, and boosting both power and toughness of a unit, especially shielded, gives exponential (geometric?) damage growth. 

As a result, sacrificing your low-level units or high-level bad units to get re-rolls is totally worth it.  Using the "freeze" ability to control your options is also key.


This game is great! I love the themes, art, game design, and sound!

You did a fantastic job with this!

It took a while, but I finally got the the dead ending, and then the living ending not long after!

It was really fun to figure out the strategies and take risks. The gameplay loop is addictive and felt balanced ultimately. I love the being rewarded for combining the units. The art and colors and theme of fighting a king to free the town is all great to me.



really loved the game!
as a suggestion it would be cool to see your army when you win so you can reflect on the setup


I made an account just to comment . . . please update this game! I WILL buy it. I have been playing it nonstop for the last week and have finally defeated the king. This game is siiick.


This game is amazing!!! Love the art and the mechanics, fantastic spin on the classic auto battler.


I wanna make love to this game it looks so good. and its fun. i wish it was bigger.

I got killed by a Prince in the end, but overall a viking with a milkman, and a Butcher with shield go a long way, also Lute Player and Summoning book lv 3.

I've put roughly 35 hours into the game now, and here's a short list of thoughts I have. You've done an excellent job and should feel proud of yourself for creating such a polished an enjoyable game!

- The Archer, even at level 3, feels too inconsistent for me to build a strategy you can plan around. Over time, you'll see that the enemy units will build up in certain patterns based on the power of the units you have. The Archer will take two shots across the entire enemy army without any player consideration for the ones I can see will wipe out an entire lane if unaddressed. If we could choose which enemies the Archer can target just like we can do with Spells, that would help to increase its viability immensely and make me want to pick the unit more often. The same concept applies for the Sorcerer as well.

- The Snitches should be limited to only a certain amount per lane, or introduced later. I've had games that would end early because I was massively overwhelmed by lanes filled with Snitches that make me lose most of my hearts, receive only low-power units/shields on my Cauldron re-rolls, and then get defeated in the next round despite changing my existing units to different lanes in an attempt to counter due to being under-powered elsewhere.

- There are times where I have extra coins and I have to re-roll dozens of times in order to start the round. Over time, you begin to acquire more slots for Cauldron rolls as the rounds go on. I'd like the ability to buy slots with my extra money from the Cauldron. Going all-in on buying extra slots to find the perfect recipe of units early on the of risk being overwhelmed feels like a great way to increase the strategic depth of the game.

- Having load-outs or a guaranteed unit type as a reward you can work for after a certain number of wins would be fantastic.

- Having a Challenge mode would be great- Limited Life runs, Runs only using certain units, Brain-Teaser runs that test knowledge of game mechanics, and Armored-Enemy Runs would be fun ways to add to the replay-ability.

Again, amazing job with the game- I love it and look forward to more!


I died on the final boss fight😭

Really great game, absolutely love it. Played until 0200 last night because I couldn't put it down. The varied tactics, beautiful animations, smooth gameplay and interesting style all comes together in a masterpiece.

Thank you for putting the time and effort into games like this. This shit impresses me. Great job! Keep working and don't give up, especially if you enjoy it. You're good at this, and I wish I had your dedication and skill.

Now I'm gonna go back to grinding this shit


I WON!!! I killed the king the turn before I lost my last heart

Also, I like the little detail in the drawing. She's just a person throughout the game, then after she wins, she gets a skull face. 


She only gets the skull face if you die during the king fight. THIS is a little detail that sells the game to me!



i love this i need this more (this is an skeleton PNG)

game is cool too 

Question for dev: is the level3 succubus's secret effect in the final battle a glitch or an easter egg?

I think it's intentional. A lvl 3 succubus is hard to get, so a payoff like this is nice.

Succubus does have some very weird effects, including both glitches and secret(?) functions.  It makes me wonder if there's something weird in the code that could also explain the secret power.

For example, succubus enemies often flip 180 degrees when hit or when summoning enemies on death (presumably some of them don't have mirrored animations or a mirror effect wasn't applied to them).  Also, succubuses of any level appears to suck the shield off of the mini-bosses alongside the final boss, without actually converting them.

Maybe all of it is a payoff given that the succubus isn't allowed to use her powers on the boss and mini-bosses, but it would nice to have confirmed.


Lol, looks like it wasn't an easter egg after all; latest update took it out :'(


how dose anyone beat this game it impossible because of how many enemy’s spawn in

It is beatable. I've done it once. Only once tho. But i can agree that the difficaulty scaling is insane.

Is there any kind of "roadmap" for this game? Or any Devblog where I can see what you plan for the future


over 90 days since game updated I don't think its ever being finished even though the game was amazin


working on it!


This is already a finished game by any standard for web-games.  Very polished; I totally forgot that it even has updated modes promised.

I'll play the heck out of them if you add them, but unlike some games I don't feel like this is inherently lacking something without them.


I agree entirely I just wish there were more games like this one because I love the style of them


Push off mate!

3 months is a REALLY SHORT TIME to upgrade a piece of work like this.  And probably Stop signal has a whole other life and work and stuff going on.

Making stuff is difficult!
Making stuff takes time!

Why's everyone getting all antsy these last few days? Good things take time.


I wasn't getting antsy or anything it was just that its been awhile since there was any news or updates I was merely making an observation so before you gather your torches and pitchforks know that I enjoy this game and would love to see it grow


Don't worry guys, hahahah, i still work on the game! Progress has slowed down because of burnout and other projects (and work, damn) but it's coming along!

I still plan on bringing this to steam as a complete game!

For now, i've pushed a few changes that were already made, some description and balance changes! Really small stuff so i don't want to make a changelog

I love heart


holy fuck
i gotta fix that lol


Bam, 6 turn victory.

God damn these things are difficult.

This game seems lovely, but sadly the screenshake makes it unplayable (I have a photosensitivity condition). I recommend making that a toggle to make it more accessible!


i'll try to remember this and make a toggle! still doing a lot of other stuff but i'll keep it noted!!!

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