Lol el juego se ve divertido y es divertido me dan ganas de seguirlo jugando, amé el detalle de la animación cuando el pequeño apunta y cuando dispara, todo se ve excelente espero haya una parte 2 o algo así jaja estaría fenomenal este es el primer juego de que comento porque creo que se lo merece así que enhorabuena! un gran trabajo si fuera de pago lo compraría (en un futuro donaré algo xd)
Went to backtrack to get the kobold egg in the pig pen. Reloaded a checkpoint save in the cell where all the kobolds are trapped and started getting this error message when the sequence where the imprisoned kobolds begin dialogue as if its the first time I went down there. The dialogue sequence never deactivates between loading saves. Ive gotten this error message every time it tries to load the dialogue sequence.
I think its trying to show me the pickup full of kobolds but the camera is breaking. Just a hunch.
Besides that. love the game! love bouncing on fools heads using the parry, despite it only doing as much damage as the bullets do, simply not as rewarding outside of doing some clever platforming. Needs more damage to average enemies to make it more gratifying I think.
The first boss got pretty tense ( as far as I got before my save softlocked ), especially when she stops doing predictable cycles and starts varying her movement and attack patterns on top of moving faster. Makes a challenge to find a viable window of attack to start blasting.
Other than that, if the controls could be changed so I can use W,A,S,D + spacebar and the mouse to shoot, then reaching Q to use a tabasco wouldn't be so hard.
Sadly, yes! I couldn't find a way to ask the browser if there was a savefile there or not - something that, honestly, you surely are able to, but i just couldn't. So when you load a file that has literally nothing, that happens! Should probably add it to Probable Problems
YES a couple of tries i win!!!! omg the game was so amazing i wish there was a part 2
is there any thing that i can listen to this music everyday? i need it, thanks.
-Old -
uhhh what happened? when i beat lassie and trying to get the chest my account just gone but i login now and its this - never mind i got full auto so fast i speedrun the game ill kick lassie butt again - beat lassie now TWO tries XD my first gameplay is so hard but now i beat lassie butt - XD THE BAT CHEF WAS EASY i didn't know you gonna get a thingy so you can do the swing
You are really kind, escpecially after all those problems! Damn, i have never heard of those technical problems! Could you please tell me in what version of windows you played it? (i fear that my old ass Gamemaker version might be slowly becoming too outdated) The camera thing might have been because the game grounds you in place while shooting! Not many people were fond of this, i certainly learned my lesson there, hahahahaha
I'm using Windows 10 OS Build 19042.1526. Been playing it on my Laptop. I did record the gameplay if you'd like to cross reference it . It's recorded on OBS and played the Downloaded version here!
Because there was no soundtrack, I played Alien Hominid over the footage.
12:10 for the movement issue (it's fast, but I think I should have been able to get away)
15:30 for the most notable sound effect problems, they just got worse as I played, but I think went away if i relaunched.
Keep up the great work though, you really nailed the Behemoth style!
really fun metroidvania with a "newgrounds" charm. The shop adds a nice layer of depth o the game. That said, i highly recommend downloading the game, the web version runs super slow
I think you've basically nailed the presentation already. The art is adorable and full of character. I especially love the way the Kobolds expression changes each time you fire.
The biggest issue is obviously the performance. Pretty solid otherwise.
i really enjoyed it! short and sweet, the upgrades make for fun mobility, and i really like the boss fights, all of them being pretty nice and challenging (although, i got a crash in the middle of the final boss, but it was a one time occurence lol)
the art is amazing, all the character designs are great, and it really takes me back to the days of hand-drawn Newgrounds flash games
i'd say it could use more options for getting around the castle, but i can call it a nitpick when i still somewhat enjoyed walking and jumping about, and it's not like we're dealing with a whole planet or giant kingdom, like in plenty of other Metroidvania style games
i unfortunately dont have my own cash to give you, but i would LOVE to buy a more expanded version of this game, with more places to see, more cool enemies, more eggs and more Gun Kobold action lol
100%ed it - the third boss was brutal! fun game, shopkeep is best kobold <3
your art style and the theming are very strong! I'm a big fan of kobolds, this does kobolds justice. the hud is very charming, with the way green's face changes based on what you're doing. the pencil-y style is dear to my heart green, a kobold with a shotty, is a very fun concept that's a key reason I was interested in the game in the first place. I can confirm: the kobolds are cute. I also liked how meaningful the upgrades are; the gun upgrades make a big difference, for example, and parrying projectiles (and then enemies) is fun. every upgrade bought made a notable difference
I did get stuck for a while on The Imp, though! the chain on the teapot in the middle of The Imp's arena kept getting in the way of my shots, it took me countless tries to beat him... but I also hadn't delivered any of the eggs, so I was fighting him at 3 hp and didn't know I could have more. whoops! (the rest of the game was a good level of challenge, though!) when you're standing on the furthest part of the top platforms your bullets disappear just before they hit The Imp. it can be tough to jump up from the lower platforms to avoid The Imp when he jumps up in your face. unskippable cutscene. I spent a lot of time in that boss room... besides that, green walks a little slow, the mercy invincibility is kinda short, and maybe some sort of fast travel might've reduced some of the travel times.
it was good fun to breeze through the final gauntlet after I'd acquired all the upgrades and eggs! once you have all the components, between double-jump and tabasco and parrying, green has great aerial movement that makes me wish this game had a secret brutal bonus stage akin to Tower of Balue from Klonoa, that challenges your understanding of the movement
overall, a good game! I hope you keep making games, your art's lovely and I wanna see you tackle more game mechanics and genres
okay, with now basically double the hp, it was pretty easy. the bat dude was a pain in the final battle, but the rest was easy. king himself could even be a zero hit thing if I paid more attention
game's runnin' at a smooth 5 fps in browser. I see you mention in your issues listed above that it's one of the problems with the game. Seems pretty fun so far, but I think I'll sit on this until the slowdown issues are resolved. Very amusing and cute characters.
There's no music playing for the boss fights (or at least the first one as far as I know) in the download version. It seems that reloading the game fixes the issue tho
Hii, I've made a video about the game and wanted to share some feedback about it, hopefully it is useful to you ^^
-The idea of the game and the story in it is quite funny and well thought overall.
-The gameplay mechanics are really good and well chosen for the game, I'll say that some of them could be a little bit polished as the learning curve felt a little bit strange at first.
-Visually the game is really outstanding, I really like the style in it. It has some newgrounds vibes on the character designs, I love it ^^
Hopefully this is useful to you :D, also if you could subscribe that would help me a lot :)
The corridor you have to go through to reach the final boss is really annoying, it feels you need more luck than skill to make it through. Still trying though.
I discovered a bug during the final boss fight, wherein using a damaging parry on the boss and kettle simultaneously and dying at that same moment will result in a murder-beam-esque hitbox remaining on the kettle, which will eventually kill the king. This results in the ending cutscene dialogue playing out, but you respawning at the checkpoint before the boss. For some reason, this spawns an impassable door similar to the locked one from earlier, softlocking the game as far as I can tell.
I had somethign similar before, funnily the one time I beat the third boss when I both kiled him and died myself, long explosion sounds and vibratio s, boss dies, I get respawned in the boss room and play as if I never died.
I ran into that crash twice too when killing a meat-thrower with a parry when they were mid-throw, the sound kept going and it sounded like the game was still "running," but the rendering froze
It's hard to play, Mabey lowers the frame rate and makes it more clearer on what can you stand on and not. Also please make a tutorial so that people know the power-ups, basic movements, enemies, and I guess even settings to lower the volume, fps, and quality
Awesome game! Freakin' annoying at times, but really cool. Did find an annoying bug though. If you play it for longer, 20+ minutes, the sounds gets choppy and it plays somewhat slower, as if something on the background is consuming resources.
Another improvement point, it's really annoying that if you keep pressing jump the double jump triggers. Maybe it's personal, but I feel that double jump should only trigger when you let go of the jump key and press it again.
Another improvement point. Checkpoints should only be activated when you press 'C'. Now, when you fall all the way down you automatically hit a checkpoint, forcing you to go all the way up again, which sucks.
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Lol el juego se ve divertido y es divertido me dan ganas de seguirlo jugando, amé el detalle de la animación cuando el pequeño apunta y cuando dispara, todo se ve excelente espero haya una parte 2 o algo así jaja estaría fenomenal este es el primer juego de que comento porque creo que se lo merece así que enhorabuena! un gran trabajo si fuera de pago lo compraría (en un futuro donaré algo xd)
Love the game but I really wish it had controller support. Mostly because I suck with keyboards.
Went to backtrack to get the kobold egg in the pig pen. Reloaded a checkpoint save in the cell where all the kobolds are trapped and started getting this error message when the sequence where the imprisoned kobolds begin dialogue as if its the first time I went down there. The dialogue sequence never deactivates between loading saves. Ive gotten this error message every time it tries to load the dialogue sequence.
action number 1
of Step Event0
for object oCamara:
Unable to find any instance for object index '101888' name '<undefined>'
at gml_Object_oCamara_Step_0
stack frame is
gml_Object_oCamara_Step_0 (line -1)
I think its trying to show me the pickup full of kobolds but the camera is breaking. Just a hunch.
Besides that. love the game! love bouncing on fools heads using the parry, despite it only doing as much damage as the bullets do, simply not as rewarding outside of doing some clever platforming. Needs more damage to average enemies to make it more gratifying I think.
The first boss got pretty tense ( as far as I got before my save softlocked ), especially when she stops doing predictable cycles and starts varying her movement and attack patterns on top of moving faster. Makes a challenge to find a viable window of attack to start blasting.
Other than that, if the controls could be changed so I can use W,A,S,D + spacebar and the mouse to shoot, then reaching Q to use a tabasco wouldn't be so hard.
F***ing hard. Loved it about half way. I now understand "rage quit".
This is fine.
I mean, what's even wrong about this situation anyway?
(I'm pretty sure this just came from my save being left alone for two months of ragequit from that last battle lol)
Sadly, yes!
I couldn't find a way to ask the browser if there was a savefile there or not - something that, honestly, you surely are able to, but i just couldn't.
So when you load a file that has literally nothing, that happens! Should probably add it to Probable Problems
YES a couple of tries i win!!!! omg the game was so amazing i wish there was a part 2
is there any thing that i can listen to this music everyday? i need it, thanks.
-Old -
uhhh what happened? when i beat lassie and trying to get the chest my account just gone but i login now and its this - never mind i got full auto so fast i speedrun the game ill kick lassie butt again - beat lassie now TWO tries XD my first gameplay is so hard but now i beat lassie butt - XD THE BAT CHEF WAS EASY i didn't know you gonna get a thingy so you can do the swing
i wish the game translated to 3D
Very cute and fun, that's like a love letter to Alien Hominid. I really enjoyed the game, but I ran into a few problems on the downloaded version.
There was no music whatsoever, though I was able to get the soundtrack to work on the Web Version.
After a while Sound Effects would start to overlay over themselves, causing some serious ear bleed.
Once, I found that when I turned around, I couldn't actually move until the camera had finished repositioning. It unfortunately caused a death.
Camera repositioning in general was not very smooth, especially when rapidly attempting to aim diagonally and jumping.
Despite the issues, the game itself in it's presentation and gameplay is very fun and well worth it!
You are really kind, escpecially after all those problems! Damn, i have never heard of those technical problems! Could you please tell me in what version of windows you played it? (i fear that my old ass Gamemaker version might be slowly becoming too outdated)
The camera thing might have been because the game grounds you in place while shooting! Not many people were fond of this, i certainly learned my lesson there, hahahahaha
I'm using Windows 10 OS Build 19042.1526. Been playing it on my Laptop. I did record the gameplay if you'd like to cross reference it . It's recorded on OBS and played the Downloaded version here!
Because there was no soundtrack, I played Alien Hominid over the footage.
12:10 for the movement issue (it's fast, but I think I should have been able to get away)
15:30 for the most notable sound effect problems, they just got worse as I played, but I think went away if i relaunched.
Keep up the great work though, you really nailed the Behemoth style!
can port for godot?
really fun metroidvania with a "newgrounds" charm. The shop adds a nice layer of depth o the game.
That said, i highly recommend downloading the game, the web version runs super slow
bat head chef is ridiculously hard in the final boss battle
Question: did you shoot diagonally? Cause i found out that's not well explained by the game!
This has BUCKETLOADS of potential!
I think you've basically nailed the presentation already. The art is adorable and full of character. I especially love the way the Kobolds expression changes each time you fire.
The biggest issue is obviously the performance. Pretty solid otherwise.
Hey, this game looks great and I'd love to play it through, but:
The web version performs very poorly, and there's no Linux version, and the Windows version doesn't work right under Wine.
So, this work is pretty much inaccessible to me. :(
If it helps, this is the error I get:
FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader compilation
ShaderName: FlashWhite
memory:67:22: error: syntax error, unexpected NEW_IDENTIFIER
at gml_Script_EnemyDraw
stack frame is
gml_Script_EnemyDraw (line -1)
My specs:
-2gb ram
-Videocard: Intel GMA 3600 series 700mb
Core: Intel atom N2600 1.6ghz with 4 cores
Runs me aprox. 10 FPS (game maker can't handle anymore in school's laptop/PCs)
Nice game and art design, Finishing it was a pain in my a*s.
Show post...
is this game hard? oh fuck yes.
is this game fun? oh fuck yes.
is the parry the supreme way to play this game? oh fuck yes.
i really enjoyed it! short and sweet, the upgrades make for fun mobility, and i really like the boss fights, all of them being pretty nice and challenging (although, i got a crash in the middle of the final boss, but it was a one time occurence lol)
the art is amazing, all the character designs are great, and it really takes me back to the days of hand-drawn Newgrounds flash games
i'd say it could use more options for getting around the castle, but i can call it a nitpick when i still somewhat enjoyed walking and jumping about, and it's not like we're dealing with a whole planet or giant kingdom, like in plenty of other Metroidvania style games
i unfortunately dont have my own cash to give you, but i would LOVE to buy a more expanded version of this game, with more places to see, more cool enemies, more eggs and more Gun Kobold action lol
tl;dr: 10/10, would save lizard friends again
i like the game no complaints
100%ed it - the third boss was brutal! fun game, shopkeep is best kobold <3
your art style and the theming are very strong! I'm a big fan of kobolds, this does kobolds justice. the hud is very charming, with the way green's face changes based on what you're doing. the pencil-y style is dear to my heart
green, a kobold with a shotty, is a very fun concept that's a key reason I was interested in the game in the first place. I can confirm: the kobolds are cute.
I also liked how meaningful the upgrades are; the gun upgrades make a big difference, for example, and parrying projectiles (and then enemies) is fun. every upgrade bought made a notable difference
I did get stuck for a while on The Imp, though!
the chain on the teapot in the middle of The Imp's arena kept getting in the way of my shots, it took me countless tries to beat him... but I also hadn't delivered any of the eggs, so I was fighting him at 3 hp and didn't know I could have more. whoops!
(the rest of the game was a good level of challenge, though!)
when you're standing on the furthest part of the top platforms your bullets disappear just before they hit The Imp. it can be tough to jump up from the lower platforms to avoid The Imp when he jumps up in your face. unskippable cutscene. I spent a lot of time in that boss room...
besides that, green walks a little slow, the mercy invincibility is kinda short, and maybe some sort of fast travel might've reduced some of the travel times.
it was good fun to breeze through the final gauntlet after I'd acquired all the upgrades and eggs! once you have all the components, between double-jump and tabasco and parrying, green has great aerial movement that makes me wish this game had a secret brutal bonus stage akin to Tower of Balue from Klonoa, that challenges your understanding of the movement
overall, a good game! I hope you keep making games, your art's lovely and I wanna see you tackle more game mechanics and genres
wait, wait, wait...
"but I also hadn't delivered any of the eggs, so I was fighting him at 3 hp and didn't know I could have more."
I went back to the starz once, the imps didnt do anything for me, so I never returned there.
Should have told me that those eggs actually have a purpose BEFORE you finish the game!
thought it as jsut same "you get alternate ending if you got them all" kind of thign! :O
okay, with now basically double the hp, it was pretty easy.
the bat dude was a pain in the final battle, but the rest was easy.
king himself could even be a zero hit thing if I paid more attention
Great graphics, reminds me of castle crushers!
Have you considered to allow the player to run and shoot? since it's a "run n gun" :)
game's runnin' at a smooth 5 fps in browser. I see you mention in your issues listed above that it's one of the problems with the game. Seems pretty fun so far, but I think I'll sit on this until the slowdown issues are resolved. Very amusing and cute characters.
if anyones interested in speedrunning this game please hop in my handy dandy discord server
There's no music playing for the boss fights (or at least the first one as far as I know) in the download version. It seems that reloading the game fixes the issue tho
i like
Hii, I've made a video about the game and wanted to share some feedback about it, hopefully it is useful to you ^^
-The idea of the game and the story in it is quite funny and well thought overall.-The gameplay mechanics are really good and well chosen for the game, I'll say that some of them could be a little bit polished as the learning curve felt a little bit strange at first.
-Visually the game is really outstanding, I really like the style in it. It has some newgrounds vibes on the character designs, I love it ^^
Hopefully this is useful to you :D, also if you could subscribe that would help me a lot :)
please put a check point before bosses
There are checkpoints before bosses, although sometimes a bit far away.
yeah not close enough
The corridor you have to go through to reach the final boss is really annoying, it feels you need more luck than skill to make it through. Still trying though.
i did the good old "kill some enemies in there, heal at shop, risne and repeat until everything is dead between here and the next checkpoint"
Don't mess with the mom? Xd
I need to check this game once I'm back home
I discovered a bug during the final boss fight, wherein using a damaging parry on the boss and kettle simultaneously and dying at that same moment will result in a murder-beam-esque hitbox remaining on the kettle, which will eventually kill the king. This results in the ending cutscene dialogue playing out, but you respawning at the checkpoint before the boss. For some reason, this spawns an impassable door similar to the locked one from earlier, softlocking the game as far as I can tell.
I had somethign similar before, funnily the one time I beat the third boss when I both kiled him and died myself, long explosion sounds and vibratio s, boss dies, I get respawned in the boss room and play as if I never died.
but achieving your situation is quite unique too
lol my laptop thought it was a virus, fun game tho
This is really good! Pretty hard but I get the hang of it.
Watch me fight all the bosses, no damage, no upgrade, and no tabasco used during boss fight(gun only)!
My god I had trouble with even lassie without any upgrades what kind of masochist are you
did you took a alot of tries?
because i died alot of times
Yes, especially the 3rd and final boss. It took around 30 tries on 3rd boss and 40 on final boss. (could be more but I lost count after that)
oh god i think ama spend 3 hours beating lassie
nevermind i restarted the game got back to 0 get full auto fast and kick lassie butt
i dont know how to get triple jump
game has no triple jump.
or more specifically, you can combine the normal 2 jumps and the molotov cocktail throwing.
smart order is jump-MC-jump.
kobold 2 cute
You fucked up the controls, JZ are jump and KX are fire, at least LC are interact though.
This was a really fun game. I love the graphics and the story was very funny. Keep up the great work!
One crash though when I parried a meat-thrower and its meat at the same time. Not sure if that was the cause but who knows :D
Edit: got the crash a few more times. Also, when fighting the Imp, a similar glitch occurred that did infinite damage to the Imp on a parry.
I ran into that crash twice too when killing a meat-thrower with a parry when they were mid-throw, the sound kept going and it sounded like the game was still "running," but the rendering froze
It's hard to play, Mabey lowers the frame rate and makes it more clearer on what can you stand on and not. Also please make a tutorial so that people know the power-ups, basic movements, enemies, and I guess even settings to lower the volume, fps, and quality
Awesome game! Freakin' annoying at times, but really cool. Did find an annoying bug though. If you play it for longer, 20+ minutes, the sounds gets choppy and it plays somewhat slower, as if something on the background is consuming resources.
Another improvement point, it's really annoying that if you keep pressing jump the double jump triggers. Maybe it's personal, but I feel that double jump should only trigger when you let go of the jump key and press it again.
Another improvement point. Checkpoints should only be activated when you press 'C'. Now, when you fall all the way down you automatically hit a checkpoint, forcing you to go all the way up again, which sucks.