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speedrunning is kind of fun, I got a sub 5 minutes!

Came back to this one year later and... Damn. This is better than ever. One note though: I'm playing on a lower end PC and it's lagging horribly. Before a steam release, could we get a lower graphics setting?

(1 edit)

Im in love with improving my runs!

If you want a challenge, see how *fast* you can do a run.

The best I've got on the current version is a 6 turn run (5 turns used to be possible, not sure if it is any more)

the best i've done is a 7! what are the strats for faster than that? mine felt like a total fluke

It's pretty hard!
I've got to the stage of  "kind of Consistent 7/8", but getting below 7 is *really* hard.

Generally speaking: 

You want to do 4 or 5 damage on turn one (2 skelletons, 2 skulls is best opening).  and 8 or 9 damage on turn 2,  11-12 castle damage turn 3.
Skulls and bones are the way. (Two skulls and one bone is three purchases and gives 5 damage to castle).  Teir 3  Summon book also pretty critical if you are trying to do a rush. 

The other critical thing:  If you are trying to race, Life is a resource. A resource to be spent.  When in full rush mode, I often end up leaving an entire row empty in round 5 or 6, meaning I take 5 or 7 damage that round... but pushing through 20 damage in exchange. By the time I START the king fight I'm often on only 1 or 2 hp.   So long as the king dies before I do, its a win.

... With that said, leaning heavily on the "rush only" strategy can be less fun (you just ignore a whole bunch of fun and cool units because they are not part of the "max damage every round" game plan.


It took quite a while, but I finally got a "full health" run.

I won a few times, It's cool seeing 3 endings. I hope there will be an update soon!


3 days of trying and I did it. It's really delightful to explore the possibilities of the game

Yo, quick crash report:
On the browser, with a stacked row, my Skull (with bones) got killed (in the top row) and tried to summon a skull and a funny bone.
There was no open space behind, and then the entire screen went black, between damage and new summons appearing.

It's kind of tough. You need some good RNG.


Great game! Looking forward to future updates

este es un muy buen juego pero el unico problema que tengo es que el archivo "Auto Necrochess - androidv4.apk" al ser ejecutado genera un error de intalacion (lo prove en 2 dispositivos y el resultado fue el mismo) exeptuando ese detalle el juego es prefecto.


Really fun game, took me days to beat it and I only got the "?" ending. The RNG is brutal, but the mechanics and art style are really good.


Took me about 6 hours to beat the game, I thought it was over when I beat the castle only to find out that the game continues, lose against the king in a humiliating way, and start over again.

This game had me focused on it for hours, I absolutely love the art style, the sound effects, and the many many systems in the game, I didn't you I can merge soldiers to level them up till I did it by mistake.

Such a fun game, really good!!


i beat this game with the power OF SUMMONING! basicallly i put a fully merged rat, a fuly merged summoner and a fully merged flying skull with that bone item that summons bones when they die on the same row as a fully leveld up bard

Love the game! Won twice now, both times were thanks to Guts From Berserk(tm). Neither time was without taking damage though.

Big Boned beat the King with the help of a farmer. Bottom lane was a bard buffing like 30 rats, and the top was a kobold, assassin, and led by a succubus

Just beat the game for my first time! Absolutely beautiful art and mechanics! Super exited for updates :3

The nurse doesn't seem to be doing anything. Am I using it wrong?


Imo, the Nurse heals minions in front of her when they lose health due to a melee attack. The amount of healing is limited and will not trigger when being attacked by a distant attack, e.g. the bottle of the royalist.

very good game nice art and gameplay my only request that a character that can jump lanes is added

Great game, I've been playing it occasionally for months now.
One feedback for version 11: Items in shop are sparkling, even if it is not possible to merge them with currently owned items right away. Especially at the later stages of game this results in confusion because of lot of sparks. I think that previous logic was better - sparkles were only on the items that can be merged with owned items right away.
For this sole reason I'm staying with older version 10.


oh, i need to update that so when the unit is at level 3, market units won't sparkle! that should fix it!

i got something in the works, so when that's done this will go in as well!


finally, i win?


Loved the game, fantastic idea and execution :D


Was wondering if I lost or won after losing my last hp after killing the king, didn't expect to get an unique end screen lol

Fantastic game! Looking forward to try out all of your other games!

Bruh that was the 1 ending i got.

When are the next update coming?



Coulda gottan the Excalibur's hp higher if I'd clocked how the levelling up would handle it.


Even more dorky strategy. I don't know what to do now.

This run must've taken a whole hour, holy!


Yeah pretty much lol.


Minor Glitch: King's health bugs out when trying to go over 99. Noticed it before.


New Strat.


*Mr. Crabs: Money Money Money


Are you ever going to have a full release on steam? If so I really look forward to it! Love the game, keep up the great work!


More impressive dream team.

It took me some time and luck, but this is my quickest run


That's really quick well done!

Great game, came in close 1 heart left


Yey I won. Only took 19 turns (=.

awesome that people have successfully beat the game with three different strategies they thought were the "only viable strategy"

A really good concept that i felt in love. It reminds me a lot to PVZ and i really enjoyed my time playing it.

(4 edits) (+3)

After some trial, I had the best NecroChess run I have ever enjoyed 

it started as a simple concept: 

After a few tries, I decided to set the rules: anything on the field must have a RANGED ATTACK... buildings and buffs are allowed, as I think it is impossible without em. and they don't attack! 
oh, and curse, cause', how else will I use wizard? and curse is basically half a level 2 bowie.

this limited me to only,

T1: Bowie, Stoner, Curse
T2: Assassin, Mausoleums, Milk, funny bone(?) (didn't use)
T3: Wizard, Smith, Farmer, Shield
T4: Kobold, Jumbo Milk

seems like a lot, but it is less than half of what is available, at 13/28! or I guess half of your roll is unavailable...

After some failed attempts, bowie spams, many curses, I knew the only way to get the king was to have something buffed... and on my fifth try at this challenge, I was able to thrive with many curses, and was able to get a kobold early on leveling up a curse. I admit, the kobold is the weakest of the tier 4s, and I would rather have a pigman. but its consistency helped immensely in this challenge. Some front folly stuff to give it extra steps let me focus cursing other more unreliable sides... buffing it was also helpful as it would kill lanes for more shots, and with a farmer, I was able to get a BEAST of a kobold... and with its support and a bit of luck of wizard RNG, I was able to a get level 3 kobold on each lane, ensuring all these lanes were clear for the game. I eventually had this setup to meet the king... and I was ecstatic.

with this, I had to face the FATTEST king I have ever seen


being precautious to the middle with my curse. I had inched through. the top princes had died to their own bad luck with the wizards and kobolds, while the bottom could not handle the stall and kobold... focusing on the middle, I was a bit too cautious and kept a bit too many curses- just to have an extra 27-curse blow on the king, but alas that didn't matter!  the curse I had put on him and my super kobold were able to destroy him, and my neglect of the top lane did not matter, as I had the leftover curses to clean it up


I wish I had recalled more, but this game was filled with strategy, planning, knowing when to sell,  (RIP the mausoleum and the level 1 bowie I had from the start, I needed to buy that wizard!) and "luck fixing up" with the curse, The fear from the king-, as I have never seen a king do more than 9 damage... let alone 13!  it was the most exciting and thoughtful time I had playing NecroChess. 

uhh, so some typos:

"assassin" is misspelt as "assasin"

the level 1 farmer claims it generates 2 health, but it only generates 1


Took me a month of inconsistent play to get a win. Summons with bard are the play.

The new summon spell book is actually quite strong. I used to struggle a lot to beat the game without taking damage, but now I can do it consistently after the last buff.

Dang this is fun, I felt so happy to win after trying this for days, for me it was summons that carried me

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