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i won and died on the same turn

Consider adding a resolution option as on a 4k monitor the window is VERY small!


Try alt enter! won't look the prettiest, but it works!!


so this game is very good in both gameplay and game design. I love the style and we want a site or an extension where we could, for example, take on another boss - ( a demon king or a rogue dwarf. There's also the difficulty, which I think is perfect. I think the introduction of successes or secrets would be an added bonus (other than the two possible endings).if there's one thing I'd change, it'd be the death sound effects, which sound very artificial and fake, and after a while become unbearable.

Actually the game are not that hard as commentators claims. There are plenty of tactics to make really strong lane (my fav are nurse->thief->anything sturdy enough) or rush the castle (you can left unguarded lines while tossing lvl 2 units on easy lines).

Yes, there are a lot depending on luck with building lanes, but opportunities are everywhere. Calculate the enemy deffence-offense when spying! (I hate archers on both sides.)

(1 edit) (+2)

The game is pretty hard (4 wins out of at least 30-40 attempts), but it's impressed me enough to get myself to give an advanced critique, though I'm admittedly not very experienced in this genre.

First is the difficulty spike that occurs when Snitches are introduced, at the same time when the amount of enemies in general also spikes up significantly. (turn 4/5) I feel like that should be delayed to when you get Tier 3 units. There may be one on the turn that Knights and APCs get introduced since dealing with 1 is already tough, but a double Knight + double APC one is pretty much invincible. It'd be good to note the concept of Unstable Equilibrium since getting a bad round early on is going to make your chances of winning more bleak. The other part is feeling like coins are too scarce in later game, assuming you're not lucky with getting the building that gives you coin generation. Maybe nerf the coin gain for upgrading that building in exchange of extra coin gain at later turns? Or give more units that could increase coin gain.

Second is that spells don't seem worth playing around with unless you have a solid defense already. It's mainly because most losses are because you've basically let the enemy scale up too long, and spells don't consistently help against that compared to another unit that could do more damage to the castle. (Maybe make the king a little stronger at early stages but lower the castle HP instead?) Bat Curse feels meh at early-game, almost useless mid-game (where I'd say things get shaky) and niche late-game for removing shields from Knights. It doesn't synergize well with Bowies and Wizards. Skeleton summon feels ok, and the Blessing one I feel is mainly good for clutch victories. Personally, given the disadvantages of spells, I would make spells cost 2 coins instead of 3.

Third is whether a way to "banish" a unit for a price would be viable to add.

As for specific balance tweaks I'd recommend as well:

Maybe to ease the difficulty spike that a group of Snitches can bring, maybe lower the amount of Snitches but add a new Priest enemy for early game with 2 atk + 1 hp that can also heal enemies in front, which would pose a similar threat without taking 3 hearts if it gets by. (This may hurt the viability of Vikings, whom I feel need a buff the most out of all Tier 1 units anyway)

Wizards feel very underwhelming for a Tier 3 unit, given that it is essentially useless without spells and unless you're lucky enough to stack spells early, is an inferior Bowie. Also, the Wizard doesn't seem to be able to store multiple spells. I would either give it a damage buff + inflict Bat Curse at Lvl 3, or demote it to a Lvl 2 unit. I think it would also help to add another unit that benefits from spells by buffing itself on spell to encourage a spell-friendly build, like some magic golem.

Summon builds feel powerful if you get good rolls for them early on, even though they're difficult to set up, because they also have the benefit of hurting castles more. Maybe give some other units +1 damage to castle?

I'm conflicted on the Big Boned, because although it can get broken with enough support, other units like a buffed Sticky or a Pigman feel more reliable. But as a Tier 4 unit it doesn't have the tide-turning feel every other T4 unit does.

Excalibur doesn't really seem to be worth the buildup because its health is low enough that even with a shield and milk, a Snitch or APC will halve its lifespan. Personally I'd let the Lvl 2 to 3 transition double the attack and health, but maybe you have something better in mind. (Or maybe more front-line summons are needed)

On a final note, if you feel like expanding the game, I think a simple but neat addition would be different playable necromancers with different bonuses each.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)




can you add upgrades or something? would help alot

bruh i killed king and 1 move later he killed me but i lost >??!??!??!

more spaces for untits not fair king gets so many >:(

make it easyer>?

absolutely wonderful game.

Would be extremely lovely to see one day this game on iOS, I'll definitely would be the one who buy it (or buy no-ads ingame).

I would be happy to support the developer with a coin, but I live in a global outcast country, I can not make a payment(
Anyway, the game itself is amazing

god this game is so good. its like taken over my life. i must play it like, once a day just as a little break from working? im now more or less winning every run and have all the knacks - absolutely terrific game and so so fun. if you turned this into a mobile game you'd basically own me for life

So, this game was weird.

The RNG just kept giving me Archers, and I kept taking them (6 archers by round 3, 10 by end of game? so like... nearly half my units?)  Mid game consisted of just... archers killing everything before my armies even made contact? 

Turns out: 1 or 2 archers= chaotic and inconsistent,   4 x lvl 2 archers= kill everything.   Archers are better in high volumes.

Early Lvl 3 archers gave access to early succubus, and then Medic building cranked up her HP.  Absolutely wonderful

Hell. Fucking. Yes.

Turn 7 victory.  Earliest I done before is Turn 9.

Hey, so as a random question, about 1/3 of the time I'll be halfway through a run, and then the window just goes black and stays that way (sound continues).

I figure if its just me, probably not worth worrying about, but if other people are having similar things, might be worth looking into?

(Excellent game btw, beautifully balanced, so many strategies. I am currently sad, as I just lost a run where I was on track to deal 20 damage by round 3. )

Yeah I'm getting that two, how did you fix it?

NVM, just requires some time

(1 edit)

so many no hit runs.....but I went with the no health run

Also after posting this I realized the art is actually different when you win with no hp and there is the ? instead of ! love the attention to detail.

(4 edits)

Great game, I donated :).

Some expansion would be definitely cool.

I have some minor suggestions:

1. During the fight, it would be handy to see right away how many spells does each book have left (maybe instead of book number (which is superfluous I think - book position is evident) or in addition to it (with some other color?)). Currently I have to pause and scroll through all the books to find out how many spells are remaining.

2. When I hit space during visual effect of attack, a bat curse etc., the game does not pause. Instead it could remember that I've hit pause and pause after the effect ends.

3. At final statistics show also gold earned.

Deleted post

This has got to be a JOKE!!

After days of trying i managed to do a no hit run. It was hard, but rewarding. I loved this game.


Was able to get a Big Bones to 25 attack during the kind fight. I had a Milkman in front to help with boosting early attack, and had a Healer & Pigman in the back just in case. I also put the Maid structure in front of it so the hp stacked over time. 

I don't know if it's a bug or intentional, but the music cut out during the final fight with the king. It was just silent except for sound FX.


An option to mute music or effects would be nice.

I con't play in browser anymore! I need WebGl, and apparently I dont hae it! What do I do?

(6 edits) (+2)

All tier 1&2 stats &info for items units spells and buildings

tier 3  stats &info for items spells and some units

stats &info for 1 tier 4 unit

the upper right hand shop slot is the only early access slot if you make a lv3 thing while it is full you wont get anything from the tier above

Tier 1

bat curse deals 1 damage per step for 3 turns

lv3 bat curse deals 3 damage per step(for 3 turns?)

lv1 skeleton 1a1h +1 coin on purchase and level up to lv2

lv2 skeleton 2a2h

lv3 skeleton 3a3h

lv1 flying skull 1a1h

lv2 flying skull 2a2h summons lv1 flying skull with its item on death

lv3 flying skull 3a3h summons lv2 flying skull with its item on death

lv1 viking 1a2h clears attack buffs on level up

lv2 viking 1a4h clears attack buffs on level up 

lv3 viking 1a7h VIKINGS!

lv1 rock skelly 1a1h throws 1 rock(1)on step

lv2 rock skelly 2a2h throws 1 rock(1)on step has 3 rocks

lv3 rock skelly 3a3h throws 1 rock(2)on step has 5 rocks

lv1 bowie 1a1h   first 2 steps attacks 1 rando

lv2 bowie 2a2h   first 2 steps attacks 2 rando

lv3 bowie 3a3h   first 4 steps attacks 4 rando

Tier 2

lv1 bard 1a1h  1a0h summon buff on lane

lv1 bard 2a2h  2a1h summon buff on lane

lv1 bard 3a3h  5a2h summon buff on lane

lv1 nurse 1a1h heal ally for 1 twice

lv1 nurse 1a1h heal ally for 2 twice

lv3 nurse 3a3h heal ally for 4 thrice

lv1 summoner 1a1h summons 2 1a1h imps on death

lv2 summoner 2a2h summons 2 2a2h imps on death

lv3 summoner 3a3h summons 2 3a3h imps on death with sheilds

lv1 Stickie 1a 2h

lv2 Stickie 3a 4h

lv3 Stickie 6a 7h

lv1 Ratfolk 2a1h summons 1 1a1h ratling on death

lv2 Ratfolk 3a2h summons 3  1a1h ratlings on death

lv3 Ratfolk 4a4h summons 3  lv1 ratfolk on death

ratling 1a1h health cannot be buffed

lv1 mausolem  mausoleim bank gives 1coin per turn

lv2 bank  gives 2coins per turn sells for 2

lv3 bank gives 4coins per turn sells for 3

bone summon funny bone 2a2h on death

milk 1a1h stat increase

bone book summons 1a1h skeleton

lv3 bone book summons lv1 summoner

Tier 3

lv1 milkman 1a2h on death buffs ally for 2a1h

lv2 milkman 2a4h on death buffs ally for 4a3h

lv3 milkman 3a5h on death buffs ally for 6a5h gives shield

lv 1 assasin 1a2h throws knife(1a) at first enemy after ally in front attacks

lv 2 assasin 2a3h throws knifes(2a & 1a) at first 2 enemies after ally in front attacks

lv 3 assasin 3a4h


lv1 excalibur 2a2h doubles attack after level up

lv2 excalibur 6*a3h doubles attack after level up

lv3 excalibur 14*a4h

*hopefully you got to buff before the level up though 




shield shields 2damage from every attack

blessing spell shields one attack and is dispelled 

lv3 blessing spell shields one attack and is dispelled also doubles attack until dispelled

Tier 4 

lv1 succ 1a2h on hit seduces enemy except king

lv2 succ 2a3h on hit seduces enemy except king

lv3 succ 3a4h on hit seduces enemy except king

lv1 big boned 2a4h gains 2a on attack

lv2 big boned 3a5h gains 4a on attack

lv3 big boned 4a6h gains 6a on attack

lv1 rock star ah gives blessing to first 6 summons

lv1 rock star ah gives blessing to first 12 summons

lv1 rock star ah gives lv3blessing to summons* 

*could be wrong about that

This is really useful, thanks!

Thanks, feel free to add any info I didn't find out 


I tried your game. It is really enjoyable. I like the battle system.

(1 edit)

I just beat the king for the first time, during the run I realised lv3 characters were a thing, big dumb I know.

Anyway my middle lane had lv2succubus lv3 assasin lv3 bard lv3summoner with bone item lv1summoner

lane 3 had a lv3rock star

I was hoping to seduce the king but they died to the summons,

does anyone know if theres a special ending if the king is seduced

and/or an ending for when the king is seduced but you are brought down by the princes

Edit: it looks like the king is immune even to a lv 3 succubus

Im tempted to buff a succubus until she can survive multiple hits 

Its theoretically possible to beat the game with only books/spell

(1 edit)

Extremely nice game! Well done. I have experienced something and I wondered if it is intended:

I had a level 2 flying scull with funny bones and I merge it with a level 2 flying scull without funny bones. The resulting level 3 flying scull did not have funny bones. Does is matter, which scull i drag onto the other?

The spawning flying sculls did not receive blessing from the rock star - there was the rock star's animation and the sound for the blessing, but the flying sculls did not get it.

It appeared as if the blessing was blocked by the non-existing funny bones - or can't the skulls get blessing at all?

Deleted post

managed to get both the good ending and the secret ending.

Best game I've played in a while to the point where I addicted to it.

Played this game nonstop since it came out.

Been trying to do a no-hit run for the past week.

Took some luck (buying Mausoleums and selling them last round for more buys), but I finally nailed it down today.


I am now free from my curse.

10/10 would develop an insane goal again.

thats bombastic my dude

It took me many tries, but I finally defeated the king!

Got there on the second attempt with a bunch of bows, summons, and buffs! Awesome game ^^

For some reason the level 2 bard didn't buff my rats health, might be bug?

Intended! They have the special effect of not being able to have their life buffed. I'ts not very clear in game, i'm afraid- unless you read their description. But because they were changed so drastically from before, i'm sure it will throw lots of people off!

also, i love "the special effect of not being able to be buffed". It's like having the special effect of sucking. same.

Umm, how do I use the king? He levels up but I never understood how to use?


As it turns out, the game works on android Chrome and makes for a great, if blurry, mobile game.


It does! i made it with that in mind, though its not the best experience. Some day I'll adapt it to mobile, maybe!

i did something messed up for my first victory, but I ended up dying to the other units! T~T

just finished a second run where i didnt tho >:)

im coming back to this game a lot, its really fun! great work!

thats amazing how did you even do that

haha just kept stacking milk before leveling them i think

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